The power of a humble prayer
The power of a humble prayer

The power of a humble prayer

I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven


I understood what Jesus said in Matthew 18:2-5.

The power of a humble prayer

Two kids were brothers and friends, one was eight and another was six, they had a little dog which was friendly. The kids were living in a happy and loving Christian family. Every night their dad told the kids stories of Jesus, the faith of Jesus and His power, the kids’ faith and love in Jesus grew daily by hearing Jesus stories.

One day, one kid asked the father, dad... all those were done by the mature Jesus, the grown him. What did he do when he was our age? I would like to imitate him. The Bible does not say any miracle done by Jesus at his early age, before he spends 3 days in the temple, sharing wise words with the priests.

The father wouldn’t find the answer, so the kids went on research asking people, asking of any Christian person they meet, at church, at school, and everywhere they could see a pastor, a priest, etc.

With long search, the father read a story in Hebrew books. The story says:

At early age, Jesus were playing with other kids, Jesus and his group was playing near his home, another groups went to bushes. And there, one big snake bite one kid. The snake was venomous and dangerous; the kid was dying. Other kids run to tell parents. They came in rush to see if they can be of any help. The kid was suffering so bad and dying, people were rushing to take the kid to find help but the little Jesus tried to stop them and asked: where was the snake that bite him? He asked the exact location, people became angry of him, what a silly question, but other kids responded, it’s there…. Here Jesus again, please let’s take him back to that same place.

People were angry and said, you silly… we are rushing to the doctor, the kid is dying. But the way to the doctor was at the same location the snake bites the kid. Reached at the location, one kid said it was here. Then the little Jesus asked them to stop, angrily wanting to punish the little Jesus, they put the dying kid down. They Jesus said loudly: “you snake, that bite my friend, come here right now”. kids and other people who were there, thought this kid is crazy. But the snake came out of its bush and approached the kid down. They run few meters away, little Jesus didn’t. Then Little Jesus commanded the big snake to bite him at the same part by sacking all the poisonous venom in the kid’s body. The snake obeyed and sacked all the venom and went away. The kid became well again.


These two children became happy and decided to portray Jesus in their daily life.

One day, they small dog fell from the window to the ground, and hit the head on a machine and died. The kids were so sad and angry. But the younger said I know I can heal and bring it back to life. With many commands and prayers, the dog did not come back to life, until they buried it. They felt discouraged and lost their faith in Jesus. Their relationship with Jesus went on pause.

After a time, one brother was sick and died in the hospital. The family had to take the body at home for neighbors and relatives to say Goodbye. He was the elder brother of eight. It was very heart breaking on the younger. He asked all the people to leave the room and he wants to be alone with the body for few minutes. The kid said Jesus wasn’t here when our dog died, and now you die, Jesus isn’t still here. But I am sure if he was here you would come back to life if I call you. I wish I was Jesus; I could command you to live. And the kid finished by saying Jesus even if you are not here, I guess you are powerful to hear me from where you are… The kid went away from the body walking to the door, he heard a little voice calling his name, he returned and it was the elder brother back in life. Instead of hugging the brother, the kid went out screaming JESUS IS HERE, JESUS IS HERE, JESUS IS HERE.

All the people came in, and the house was filled cries of joy and amazements of what Just happened.

What teaches and humbles me enough was on how, this kid kept his faith in Jesus although he was feeling disappointment by losing both his dog and the brother. He knew that Jesus is able and can here and is the only solution. He let go his need, he let go what he wants, and kept the knowledge that Jesus can respond to his prayer. He let go his brother but being sure that Jesus is good and can heal, rise, respond, change.


Hello dads, keep sharing Jesus with your kids, every day.

God bless.
